The current stance of the alt-right says that abortion is immoral and the obvious choice is adoption. They’ve made an entire slogan out of it: Adoption not Abortion. And this slogan encapsulates a demonization of the birthmothers who give their children up and paints the adoptive parents as saviors. I mean, check out the last presidential proclamation for National Adoption Month this past November: “Adoption affirms the inherent value of human life and signals that every child ‑‑ born or unborn ‑‑ is wanted and loved.” Unborn? Good job, Prezzo, we already knew your stance on abortion. Personally, I think God is getting in the way of reproductive legislation. Because if adoption is so much more preferable, why don’t they fund more empathic legislation for adoptees and birth parents? And why won’t they fund the overflowing orphanages and foster care homes? They say they do, but they don’t. And worse, why is adoption (domestic AND international) such a lucrativ...